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Wow, its been over a month since my last post, I am really bad at this, ain't I? Well, to justify myself I have to say that its been a very very busy month! I had a couple of felting classes at Bear Essence, also I've completed my Bronze level Modern with Honours in my dancing studio Marshere. I also got nominated for annual Aurora awards in The Outstanding Bronze achiever!!How exciting is that?? I am very proud :) Dean completed his Bronze Modern with High distinction, very proud of him too!

But most of time went to create more Orangutans, a few cats and dogs. I have to say it wasn't easy, still isn't. I am happy there are some Pet orders in between the orangutans as sometimes you need to get distracted and make something else to keep the harmony:) Don't get me wrong, I love orangutans and I love making them, but when that's all you making, you get tired and your judgement of quality fades. Since I never work on just one project at the time it has been very challenging to make only orangutans one after another. But it's all part of learning and growing, right? I am happy about challenge, I love challenges!Here are a photo of my student's bunnies that they have created during my last class, how cure are they?? Amazing students!

Welcome to my blog!

Here I am sharing some sneak peeks of my work in progress and all the other everyday events that have an inspirational sparkle for my creative life.

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