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Bendigo Wool Show

It's already end of June and I have no idea where did the time go? I have to admit, my days seem to be much shorter than other people's days. During these two months I've been working on finishing some custom orders and other items I've started earlier (sometimes years ago). A few months ago I've started to consider running a challenge of utilising all the materials I have instead of buying new ones. Well, the challenge has been kind of going, but not. I did things the way I've planned, but a challenge is not a challenge without a certain time guidelines. So I will be giving it a proper go later on. For now I've decided to boost my felting activity a little and signed up for a few events. First to come is Australian Wool Show in Bendigo. For any wool lover this show is a must see as there are countries best breeders, wool productions specialist, makers and many more. I am taking part in Woolcraft section with a couple of my toys. White Rabbit and a Tassie Devil are going to be my representatives this time. I am very excited to part in this show for the first time as I believe its a great opportunity to show your work and spread the love of felting.

The other event I am taking part is a small shop exhibition in Port Piri, SA. This event is organised by a lovely Russian lady Svetlana Clarke. I am one of a few Russian handmakers in Australia exhibiting their work at a little shop for a month of August. And then another big event I am being part of is a cute BEar Bazaar organised by my good friends teddybearmakers Kim and Josey from Bear Essence This show was run last year for the first time and was great, so this year I've decided to support the girls and take my work out as well. End of October is a perfect time to buy those special Christmas presents :) S052o please go ahead to the website of this show and check out the details and exhibitors. Its gonna be lots of fun!

Welcome to my blog!

Here I am sharing some sneak peeks of my work in progress and all the other everyday events that have an inspirational sparkle for my creative life.

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